MR - Medezeggenschapsraad
What is the MR?
MR is short for the Dutch word Medezeggenschapsraad. By law, every school in the Netherlands needs to have a medezeggenschapsraad. This translates as ‘’participation council’’ and is composed of an equal number of elected representatives of teachers and parents.
The MR is regularly consulted by the administration over matters concerning the management of the school. It plays an important role in the communication between parents, staff and Management by taking a critical look at proposals from the Supervisory Board.
In practice, the school management provides information and reports on all aspects of school life. The MR members then use that information to:
discuss during meetings and request more information when deemed necessary.
consult (when deemed necessary) with people who will be affected by this decision (Staff and/or parents)
inform their opinion to management and give suggestions for improvement if necessary.
The MR has an annual agenda with subjects such as:
the school budget, the school guide, student numbers, the year plan, further education of staff and all kinds of current affairs. This includes but is not limited to: curriculum, policy (new policy or change of existing policy…).
The MR meets about once per six weeks and the minutes are published here
Who is in the MR for the school year 2022-2024?
This year: The MR is composed of 3 parents and 3 members of staff.
Staff representatives:
Sylvia (learning support teacher and group 3 teacher on Fridays)
Veronique (Admissions officer/Administration)
Katia (Administration)
Parent representatives:
Vacant position (elections to be conducted)
What is the role of the MR?
The MR has 3 primary tasks and 2 additional goals
Representative Role (duty to represent parents/teachers)
Monitoring Role: monitor the quality of the school and the well-being of the students and the team. Monitor also processes to ensure regulations such as these set by the Collective Labour Agreement are being followed (for ex, guard against discrimination).
Initiative Role: suggestion can be made via the MR to change policies or create new ones
Additional goals
Cooperation Role: The MR is the discussion partner of the Head of the school and director and it deals with matters at school level.
Transparency Role: report on its activities to create and maintain a climate of openness and mutual consultation.
Depending on the issue, the MR has the right:
to be informed of a decision taken by the administration,
to be consulted and provide its advice prior to the decision being taken (right of advice)
to approve or withhold approval of a decision proposed by the administration (right of consent)
Does the MR make decisions about education?
The MR does not decide how a school is run on a daily basis. It does not decide on individual cases, such as the development of individual students or complaints put forward by a parent or guardian. However, it has important approval and advisory rights regarding policy decisions and evaluating proposals from the school.
Examples of situations when MR consent is necessary:
Changes to the educational objectives of the school;
Establishing or changing the school plan or the curriculum and examination regulations;
Establishing or modifying the policy with regard to supporting activities by parents for the benefit of the school and education;
Establishing or amending rules in the areas of safety, health and welfare policy;
Establishing or modifying the complaints regulations applicable to the school;
Transferring the school or a part thereof, respectively merging the school with another school.
Examples of situations when MR advice is sought:
Adopting the budget for the school;
Appointing or dismissing school management;
Establishing or changing the concrete division of tasks within the school management, as well as establishing or amending the management statute;
Establishing or changing the policy with regard to the admission and removal of pupils;
Determining the holiday plans;
Deciding on new construction or major renovation of the school;
Establishing or changing the policy regarding the maintenance of the school;
Entering into cooperation with another institution.
In cases where the role of the MR is to give advice to the administration in regards to a decision, the administration can choose whether to follow the advice or not. Should it decide not to do so, it needs to provide reasons.
Additional information:
Anyone (other staff members, parents…) can request to attend the MR meeting. Proposals to the MR from parents or staff members can also be added to a meeting agenda.
The minutes of all MR meetings can be found below.
please note that any items where confidentiality issues may arise might be omitted on the public minutes
How to contact us:
The MR can be contacted at any time. To do so, contact one of the persons listed above as MR member or send an email to
Note: Information we receive is confidential and will always be treated as such.